Ms. Kittle ensures that Santa Claus in the second year of the Southwest gets the list

2021-12-13 20:27:01 By : Mr. Patrick Gao

How many elves do you have? I bet you have 100,000. What are their names? For Christmas, I want pink ballet slippers. I want to practice ballet. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Do you like to give gifts? How far is the North Pole from us? I am very excited about Christmas! For Christmas, I want Pokemon cards and an OMG doll. I wish you and Mrs. Claus a happy new year. I love all your reindeer!

How many elves do you have? I think you have 500. I want a cotton candy machine, a snow cone machine and an ice cream machine for Christmas. I hope you can fly around the world safely.

Who is your favorite reindeer? I bet it's a comet. This year I worked hard and performed well. I hope you think I am a good boy. The three gifts I really want are a super rare Pokemon, a toy robot, and a lot of Lego bricks. I hope you have a Merry Christmas.

How many reindeer do you have? I want a puppy and a live dog. Which reindeer do you like best? My favorite is Daschel. I have had a good time this year. I wish you a Merry Christmas.

How about Buddy the Elf? I hope he is fine. I want to make biscuits for you and some reindeer food for the reindeer. I want a remote control boat, a small farm, and a Bakugan card. I hope you stay safe when you travel around the world.

What is the brightest light you have ever seen? Cookies will be prepared for you on the table. I want a big Pokemon card as a Christmas gift. Can I have more hot wheels and cans? have a nice trip.

How many reindeer do you have? I think you have 99 reindeer. I will leave the cookies by the Christmas tree this year. I want a laptop and an iPad as Christmas gifts. Merry Christmas to you and Mrs. Claus!

How many reindeer do you have? I bet you have thousands of them. I have had a good time this year. I want a talking doll, an OMG doll and Christmas Pokemon cards. I hope you travel safely, Santa.

How many elves are there in your studio? I bet you one hundred and ten elves. I am very excited about Christmas. I want an art table, OMG dolls and Lego bricks this Christmas. I hope you have a safe journey.

Whose roof is the flattest roof you have ever sat on? I really hope to see you this year. These are three things I want for Christmas: a Nintendo Switch game called Minecraft, another Nintendo Switch, and a big hug from you! Merry Christmas! PS I saw my elf come to my house.

How many houses do you go to every year? I want a skateboard and a zipline for Christmas. I also want a book with a lock. I hope you go home safely. I hope Snowball is good.

How many reindeer do you have? I think you have 100. is it? Cookies and milk will be placed on the table. I want a mobile phone, a dog and a soft toy for Christmas. I hope you and Mrs. Claus have a great Christmas!

Why are you giving gifts so quickly? Do you have magic? I want a princess carriage and a new American girl doll for Christmas. The last thing I want is a little cute puppy. Please tell Mrs. Claus that I said hello. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Is it fun to send gifts all over the world? How many miles is it? I think it is a million miles. I want a red Yeti 65 and Pokemon card as a Christmas gift. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

I have a question. How many cookies did you eat last year? I can't wait for Christmas. For Christmas I want Pokemon cards, a tape recorder and LOL dolls. I have had a good time this year. Have a nice Christmas.

How cold is the Arctic? I bet this is the coldest place in the world. I try my best to complete my homework, but it is difficult. I want more Barbie dolls and a doctor Barbie suit for Christmas. I will send you another letter. Merry Christmas, Santa!