Apex Legends Season 11 Character Level List

2021-11-13 01:34:18 By : Ms. Mark Ying

Ash made her debut in the 11th season of "Apex Heroes", so many people may wonder how her appearance affects the ever-changing character meta.

The 11th season of Apex Legends has officially started, and players are taking their first steps on the new Storm Point map. In addition to the map, players can also take the "new" CAR SMG for a drive and try the familiar legendary Xiaozhi. Like every season, Season 11: Escape brings some balance changes, designed to change the metadata and give players a reason to try other lagging legends.

Much like the previous seasons, this hierarchical list places the legends in a hierarchy based on a variety of factors: the overall strength of the abilities, their impact on team composition, and how they blend into the meta-environment along with other characters in Apex Legends. Once each legend is placed, the level will be arranged in alphabetical order.

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Ash-Ash is the new face of Apex Legends players, but it is a familiar face to Titanfall 2 veterans. This returning simulacrum has an ability kit that combines several other legendary concepts, making her an all-rounder, and players are already asking for weakening. Ash's passive ability, Marked for Death, displays the most recent battles on her map and marks any surviving attackers for her to track. Her tactic, Arc Snare, can restrain approaching enemies and cause some damage to them. Her ultimate ability will summon a short-range portal, which is very suitable for shortening the distance of fleeing enemies. Her equipment, especially when combined with legends like Bloodhound that can assist in tracking, makes Ash the perfect legend to complete any battle.

Bloodhound-No one is better than Bloodhound when it comes to tracking prey. Their tactical ability can scan a wide area, and their passiveness can mark and track Bloodhound and their team. During Bloodhound’s ultimate move, Beast of the Hunt, Bloodhound’s speed increases, making it easier to track enemies. When the hound knocks down or kills the enemy while it is active, the hunting of the beast will also be extended. In terms of providing team information, few characters can compete with Bloodhound other than the prophet-this is an invaluable asset.

Gibraltar-Gibraltar is a defensive power and the only legend who can hit Crabbe with a gun and shield. Because of his dome shield tactics and ultimate bombing, he is good at locking an area, especially in open areas. Gibraltar will continue to live in the S grade until he can no longer withstand the absolute power of Kraber.

Revenant-There is no other legend in the game that can push the enemy team as strategically as Revenant. The response is minimal. At this point, his death totem has become the main content of the Apex Legends version for several seasons, and there is almost no sign of slowing down. Combining this with his silent ability can temporarily stop the enemy's legendary ability, and he will become a certified killing machine with unparalleled climbing skills.

Prophet-Although the Prophet was released in a broken state and weakened, he is still one of the best legends in the game. He is good at scanning at close range and collecting area information, and his tactical ability can even destroy the enemy's treatment, such as treatment. Although Bloodhound is good at tracking enemies at long distances, due to his ultimate ability, Seer is almost unparalleled in keeping information about what is happening nearby, and it can provide continuous information to Seer and his team in a specific area.

Fuse-If the player has a lot of fun with the many grenades in Apex Legends, Fuse is an easy choice. Fuse can not only throw grenade farther than anyone else, but his Knocke Duster can cause short-term damage to the enemy, and his Motherlode ultimate ability can generate a circle of fire to trap the enemy. Fuse is very suitable for area rejection and burst damage, making him a reliable legend on the roster.

Lifeline-Lifeline is the only true healer in Apex Legends. Her DOC Drone is very suitable for replenishing health for the team without burning healing items, and her ultimate skills can help players upgrade their lagging items. Although Lifeline no longer has a powerful resurrection shield, she can still use drones to pick up teammates while keeping the enemy out. She is always a safe choice for any team, especially those who like to play aggressively and need more treatment.

Mirage-Mirage is a difficult legend to place, because his equipment depends on how easy it is for the player to fool the enemy team. In the hands of the right person, Mirage can provide his team with a lot of useful information, and can even pull the battle away. After a strong rework, Mirage has incredible control over his bait. Even experienced Apex Legends players can be fooled if they are not careful. When the enemy shoots his decoy, Mirage's team will be alerted to the enemy's location, which is crucial when trying to suppress the team. Since the problem of third-party attacks always exists, stray gunfire from the enemy team may mean bad luck, and Mirage's team does not need to move their fingers. Mirage is completely a mental game, even in battle, additional bait can save Mirage's life.

Octane-Octane is the speed demon of Apex Legends and one of the defining legends in the metadata after he gained a lot of gains a few seasons ago. Octane's springboard allows the team to move quickly over long distances. He can also use his stimulating tactics to speed up his engagement with the enemy or move faster during a robbery. Due to the powerful combination of Revenant's death totem and Octane's jumping pad, "Revtane" has always been metadata in Apex Legends, but in the end Octane worked well with many team combinations when pushing the attack.

Pathfinder-Pathfinder has caused a lot of controversy between Apex Legends players and the development team. Players like the mobility of Pathfinder, and the Respawn team thinks it gives him too many advantages. Eventually, Pathfinder's grappling hook was weakened, but now it stays in a stable place, allowing interesting and useful mobility while limiting the time the player can use it. His zipline remains the same, and on Storm Point, it is an excellent tool for covering long distances. After all, Pathfinder is one of the most mobile legends in the game. If you hold it in your hand, the battle will be very troublesome.

Valkyrie-Although not as strong as she was when she launched in Season 9, the Valkyrie is still a very powerful and versatile legend in any team, especially on the new Storm Point map. Valkyrie is good at moving herself and her team long distances by using her ultimate skills as a portable jumping tower. Since Storm Point has no jumping towers, only gravity lifts, Valkyrie becomes even more useful.

Wraith-For many reasons, Wraith has been a poster character for Apex Legends since the game was launched. Mainly because of the very useful ability kit, many popular streamers are attracted to her. She can disappear from the battle to avoid injury, her tactics will warn her when she is targeted, and her portal allows her to move the team safely over long distances. She has always been a strong character on the list, and even after a few weakenings, her equipment is still one of the best in the game.

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Bangalore-Bangalore has always been and may always be the main "soldier" level of Apex Legends. Her toolkit enables her to become comprehensive and useful in many different engagement scenarios. Her smoke bomb allows for a smooth escape in battle or tactical chaos, while her ultimate allows for a large number of people to control a wide area, allowing her to either rush into the attack or cover and retreat. Although she is hard to resist by Bloodhound and Seer (or any legend with the sight of digital threats), she is one of the better legends to choose when learning the game.

Caustic-Caustic relieved his painful nerfs last season, which means he has regained his vitality. He is one of the best legends in locking closed areas and even the last lap. His gas trap once again increases damage, and if placed correctly, his ultimate ability can cover a considerable area. Although he is a bit tricky to use in open-air combat, players who have determined his trap and final location can make the final battle or indoor conflict a nightmare.

Horizon-The horizon was over-adjusted when it was first activated, so it was hit hard by the nerf hammer. However, the nerfs that saw the horizon in season 10 got some fall back, making her more feasible in the current version. With the storm point now in the map rotation, any ability that can help the player move quickly in an area is a great benefit. Her "black hole" big move is still an excellent tool for crowd control, and can be carried out with a coordinated team.

Loba-Loba's journey through the hierarchy list is a crazy journey. For a long time, Loba's abilities were lacklustre, and sometimes even collapsed. Thankfully, Loba's tactics finally worked. Although her ultimate is still a huge beacon to warn the enemy team, it is a useful asset when quickly plundering (or stealing loot from nearby team battles). Loba is good at tracking good loot, and no one is better than this in this regard. Her shortcoming is that she doesn't have a lot of practicality in battle, but she hopes that the equipment she can obtain is enough to give her an advantage.

City Wall-The city wall has slowly climbed since its launch. In a game where 90% of legends were over-adjusted at the time of release, Rampart was a failed game. Between her easy-to-break Amp Walls and her limited Minigun abilities, it is difficult to recommend Rampart in a fast-moving game. Rampart has made some adjustments, and recently Respawn has made adjustments so that her Minigun can be carried and used as a mobile weapon before being placed as a fixed turret. Although changing her level list is not enough, it is enough to raise her one level.

Wattson-Season 11 is when Wattson finally gets the much-needed buffs. Wattson's fence has gains on damage, debuff duration, and cooldown. When Wattson wants to lock down an area, this allows her to set traps quickly and more reliably. In addition, her interception tower has also been redesigned. Only one can be activated now, but it will last until it is destroyed or the other is placed. It can also charge the shield more reliably, but the number of shields it can refill is limited. Finally, Pylon should now be more reliable in destroying things that will hit within Pylon's range, rather than anything created within the radius-this means that the player's grenades should be able to be thrown from within Pylon's range, as long as the point of impact is outside.

Crypto-At the bottom is Crypto, Apex Legends' resident drone expert. Crypto's drone is very useful because it can pick up teammates' flags and resurrect them, scan survey beacons, and even use EMP to cause shield damage to enemies before team battles. However, Crypto's suite encourages a certain degree of passivity, which does not match the current metadata of Apex Legends. Even defensive legends like Caustic and Wattson can use their abilities to achieve great success in battle, but in order for Crypto to be able to effectively use his abilities, he must sacrifice himself in battle. Intelligent drone positioning can help provide good intelligence, but drones (when parked) are easy to spot and destroy. As the number of roles that can provide tactical information increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to recommend cryptocurrencies over other legends.

Fortunately, no legend is in a bad enough position this season to guarantee a D level. All legends have certain circumstances that can make them a reliable choice, although there are still some that are more dazzling than others.

Although some legends have changed slightly, many legends have remained the same this season. In addition to Watson's gain and Xiaozhi's introduction, the biggest factor is the new map. Whether Xiaozhi will be weakened in the near future remains to be seen-she is not as broken as the Prophet and Valkyrie, but many players still think she is too strong. Currently, players only need to adapt to the new ashes-filled metadata.

Apex Legends is now available for PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One. PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions are under development.

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